Male homosexuals in dangerous, abusive or life-threatening situations please contact:


c/o David James Callan

16 Eldridge Street, Apt. 14H

Manchester, CT 06040



Saturday, February 13, 2010


Another version of the DAVID JAMES CALLAN demo. The song "Uncle Bunny's Hoedown" was written by me and Keith Grady, now DJ Fancy of the rap-group Fannypack. It was originally a cheesy country song with a walking bass line, but I can't play it that way. The lyrics are the PC version; originally, the word "conscience" was "titties." I guess that was a dishonest version of the song, though.

01 _ The Drinking Well
02 _ Tearing the Shirt
03 _ Resume
04 _ Johnny (Callan/Summers)
05 _ Pillow
06 _ Seven Wolves
07 _ Matchbox
08 _ OK
09 _ Drowning Boy
10 _ Leaves Fall
11 _ Wild Mountain Thyme (Traditional; Arranged and Adapted by David James Callan)
12 _ Uncle Bunny's Hoedown (Grady/Callan)

All songs by David James Callan Except Where Indicated. Copyright c. 1997 Loki Sings. All Rights Reserved. "Pillow" was the first song I wrote completely on my own...hundreds of lyrics and a capella songs and collaborations later. "OK" was written in Atlanta, GA when I was hanging out with Matt Lord, on my first guitar which was given to me by my brother Scott. I wrote about sixty songs on that guitar, it got left behind in Iowa City when I skedaddled out of there in February or March 2000. The bridge to the song "Matchbox" came years after I wrote the rest of the song, when I asked my Gen Lit students to write down all the profanities that they knew. That's where "wigger" comes from. It's not a word I use in everyday life, but I use vulgarities and curses more in my songs than I do in the everyday. A well placed obscenity can accomplish beautiful things. I wrote "Seven Wolves" mainly to counteract the nonsensical idea that gay dudes are the same as pedophiles. There's a line in "Tearing the Shirt" about getting drunk in an alley--that refers to my twenty-first birthday when my buddy Christian Meyers took me to Boston and I had no ID so we drank expensive imported beer in the alley behind somewhere, maybe a Chinese restaurant.
